December 2012 / Slovak National Museum, Bojnice Castle, Slovakia

This is the largest scanner in the world with working range of 300x180cm. Cruse CS350ST-MS is the flagship product dedicated to safe and fast high volume scanning of art. Also supplied for the project OPIS, portability of this machine allows it to be moved between the museums belonging to the Slovak National Museum group. Supply and installation by Art Petrus.

October 2012 / Museum of the Slovak National Uprising, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia

The fourth scanner for the project OPIS is CS155ST-VR. It is installed in a dedicated digitization centre and will be used to scan every possible 2D and low 3D object including paintings, photographs, posters, weapons, textiles, herbaries, butterfly collection, bugs, old books, etc. Equipment has been supplied and installed by Art Petrus.

August 2012 / Central Slovakian Gallery, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia

The second largest scanner in the arsenal of scanners purchased for the project OPIS is Cruse CS295ST-VR with working range of 250x150cm, It has been purchased for the central depository of Slovakian National Gallery located at Zvolen Castle. Due to the castle renovation, scanner is temporarily installed at Central Slovakian Gallery, which has also substantial art collection. Equipment has been supplied and installed by Art Petrus.

August 2012 / City Gallery of Bratislava, Slovakia

The second scanner for the project OPIS is being installed at City Gallery of Bratislava. Cruse CS155ST-VR is machine will be used to scan over 30,000 paintings, lithographs and prints in the collection of the gallery. Installation time and full training takes just 2 days, with scanning "production" following without delay. Expected time to complete the task is about 18 month. Equipment is supplied and installed by Art Petrus.

August 2012 / Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia

This is a delivery of first Cruse scanner for OPIS (Operational Programme Information Society), one of the largest digitization projects in the world, being launched in Slovakia within the strategy and support of European Union. Art Petrus, being a specialist in the field of art digitization and selling partner to Cruse GmbH in Germany, has sold, installed and commissioned CS130ST-VR scanner. With large range of resolution from 300 to 2000 ppi, scanner will be used to digitize huge collection of photographs and graphic art.

February 2012 / Guillermo Mordillo at PAN (Palazzo delle Arti Napoli), Italy

The first complete Guillermo Mordillo's retrospective in Italy, "a globetrotter able to talk without words to adults and children"... The exhibition is curated by Sergio Noberini, director of Luzzati Museum of Genoa and contains 100 signed Artist Proofs donated by Art Petrus.
"Wordless cartoons, with simple and rotund lines and bright colours, tell of nature, animals and human nature, but also gender conflict, sporting competition, variety and need of peace".